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The Arthropod Story

The Understanding Evolution Team
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Click on an image to view larger version & data in a new window

© The University of California Museum of Paleontology, Berkeley, and the Regents of the University of California Courtesy Understanding Evolution

The Arthropod Story is an interactive investigation that takes you on a tour through the amazing evolutionary history of arthropods. Along the way, you'll get a healthy dose of taxonomy, paleontology, natural history and principles of evolution. You can start at the beginning or pick a section from this list:

  1. Introducing the arthropods
  2. What is an arthropod?
  3. Meet the Cambrian critters
  4. Tools for success: The exoskeleton and the jointed limb
  5. An evolutionary constraint: Small size
  6. Conclusion: Evolution and the arthropod

See the full table of contents here.

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The Understanding Evolution Team
The Understanding Evolution Team

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