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Teacher Resource

Marine Discovery: Exploring Marine Life

This treehouse presents materials for exploring marine life. In addition, teachers in the Tucson, Arizona area can use these materials to complement a visit to the UA Marine Discovery Lab field trip. Read more about the Marine Discovery outreach program.

Marine Discovery Lab

Join us in the lab to explore marine life of the Gulf of California on the Marine Discovery Field Trip.

Copyright © 2005 Marine Discovery

Pre and post-field trip suggestions

Suggestions for how to prepare your class for the Marine Discovery field trip and additional activities to enrich the experience.

Rocky Intertidal Slide Show

Join us in the field to explore the rocky intertidal zone at Station Beach in Puerto Peñasco México.

Copyright © 2005 Marine Discovery

Marine Discovery Handbook

Download PDF files of the Marine Discovery handbook. The handbook includes: teaching tips, information on marine life, instructions for the marine discovery lab activities and suggestions for engaging students in learning.

Portfolio Pages

Marine Discovery Slide Show
Join us in the field to explore the rocky intertidal zone at Station Beach in Puerto Peñasco México.
Marine Discovery Slide Show Overview
View all of the Marine Discovery slideshow slides in one page. From this link you can also print out the slideshow.
Marine Discovery Lab
Join us in the lab to explore marine life of the Gulf of California on the Marine Discovery Field Trip.
Marine Discovery Handbook
Download PDF files of the Marine Discovery handbook. The handbook includes: teaching tips, information on marine life, instructions for the marine discovery lab activities and suggestions for engaging students in learning.
Marine Discovery Activity Suggestions
Suggestions for how to prepare your class for the Marine Discovery field trip and additional activities to enrich the experience.

Learning Information

Education Standards

State Education Standards

Arizona State Science Standards, grades k-4 and 5-8

About This Page

Collection: Marine Discovery at the University of Arizona

Marine Discovery is a public outreach program that involves college, elementary and middle school students in an inquiry based and hands-on learning experience. During lab station activities, students have the opportunity to work with live marine animals and teaching specimens. Students are exposed to living and preserved organisms found in the Gulf of California and gain a general understanding of the scientific relationships between them. Student knowledge and interest in ocean life is enriched, and younger students have the opportunity to interact with other, more expert learners.

The Marine Discovery Program is offered through the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Arizona, with funding from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Undergraduate students teach third through eighth grade students about the Gulf of California and the ocean in general during a field trip to the UA campus. Visit the Marine Discovery website to see a schedule and find out about bringing your class to the Marine Discovery field trip.

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