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Fun and Games

A Fun Cacti Game

milesmonkey1 and milesmonkey2


© 05 milesmonkey1

Growing up in Arizona, we never paid much attention to cacti.  As we came to know the varied and sometimes bizarre characteristics of the cacti I previously ignored, we became intrigued. For example, a saguaro cactus can grow up to 5 stories high, and humans have eaten the pads of prickly pear cacti for centuries.


A prickly pear cactus at our school © milesmonkey1

We think other students might also find cacti interesting and suggest making a board game. This game would be like the board game Sorry. You will have questions about different cacti, and if you get the fact right you will get to move a coupe of squares. The person who gets his or her 4 cacti home first wins.  We wanted to make this game because it's fun to lean interesting facts about cacti.



Here is a list of facts that you can use for your game to make card:     

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About This Page

Author: milesmonkey1 and milesmonkey2
Classroom Project: Miles Exploratory Learning Center Treehouse Collection #1
Miles Exploratory Learning Center
Tucson, AZ USA

License: Tree of Life & Partners uses only - Version 1.0

 Treehouses are authored by students, teachers, science enthusiasts, or professional scientists. Anyone can sign up as a treehouse contributor and share their knowledge and enthusiasm about organisms. Treehouse contributions are checked for general accuracy and quality by teachers and ToL editors, but they are not usually reviewed by expert scientists. If you spot an error, please get in touch with the author or the teacher. For more information about quality control of Tree of Life content, see Status of Tree of Life Pages.

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