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Mastigoteuthis agassizii Group: Photophores

Richard E. Young and Michael Vecchione

The photophore pattern in members of the M. agassizii Group is almost always destroyed during capture. We show here the photophore pattern in an M. agassizii taken alive and in virtually perfect condition during a cruise run by Marsh Youngbluth, Harbor Branch Foundation. We have not yet found differences between the photophore patterns of M. agassizii and M. dentata, but the patterns are poorly known. The pattern in M. psychrophila, however, is very different (see below).

  1. M. agassizii, North Atlantic,  40°N, 68°W.
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    Figure. Ventral view of the integumental photophores and chromatophores of M. agassizii. The larger photophores of arms IV are in two series. The photograph is of a living squid taken in a shipboard aquarium by David Shale and shows exceptional detail. Arrow points to the window to the eyelid photophore. The small white spheres are most easily seen in the lower image near the base of the oflactory organ. Note the difficulty is distinguishing photophores in various stages of development from ringed-chromatophores. ©

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    Figure. Ventral view of mantle photophores of M. agassizii, same specimen as above. The rectangle indicates a region of the mantle where large photophores are absent. The intensity of the red color in these photographs of M. agassizii has been artifically reduced to aid viewing of details. ©

  2. M. agassizii, North Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, tropical form
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    Figure. Ventral view of arm IV of M. agassizii. The larger photophores are in two series (arrows). Photograph by R. Young.

  3. M. psychrophila, South Atlantic, 39°19'S, 03 °15'W.
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    Figure. Aboral view of the proximal region of arm IV, M. psychrophila, 64 mm ML, preserved. Larger photophores are arranged is 3-4, somewhat irregular, series. This small specimen, captured near the presumed northern limit for the species, apparently belongs to M. psychrophila. Note the very different arrangement of arm photophores between this arm and that in the other photographs of the M. agassizii group. Composit photograph by R. Young.

  4. M. dentata, eastern tropical Pacific,  7°21'N, 79°35'W.
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    Click on an image to view larger version & data in a new window

    Figure. Ventral view of arm IV of M. dentata, lectotype. Squid rehydrated after drying. Larger photophores are in two series as in M. agassizii. Photograph by R. Young

About This Page

University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI, USA

National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D. C. , USA

Correspondence regarding this page should be directed to Richard E. Young at and Michael Vecchione at

Page: Tree of Life Mastigoteuthis agassizii Group: Photophores Authored by Richard E. Young and Michael Vecchione. The TEXT of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License - Version 3.0. Note that images and other media featured on this page are each governed by their own license, and they may or may not be available for reuse. Click on an image or a media link to access the media data window, which provides the relevant licensing information. For the general terms and conditions of ToL material reuse and redistribution, please see the Tree of Life Copyright Policies.

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