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Taxa Associated with the Family Idiosepiidae Appellof, 1898
Michael J. Sweeney and Richard E. Young
(data as of June 2002)
Nominal Genus-Level Taxa
(Berryidium) Grimpe, 1931:167.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Idiosepius Steenstrup,
1881 [fide Nesis (1987:137)]
TYPE SPECIES. -- Idiosepius notoides Berry,
1921 by original designation
Idiosepion Fischer, 1882 In
Emendation of Idiosepius Steenstrup, 1881
Idiosepius Steenstrup, 1881:219.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid genus [fide Hoyle (1910:410)]
TYPE SPECIES. -- Idiosepius pygmaeus Steenstrup,
1881 by monotypy
Microteuthis Ortmann, 1888:648.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Idiosepius Steenstrup,
1881 [fide Sasaki (1929:132)]
TYPE SPECIES. -- Microteuthis paradoxa Ortmann,
1888 by monotypy
Naefidium Grimpe, 1920:210.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Idiosepius Steenstrup,
1881 [fide Sasaki (1929:132)]
TYPE SPECIES. -- Loligo picteti Joubin, 1894
by original designation
Nominal Species-Level Taxa (As Introduced Binomial)
Idiosepius biserialis
Voss, 1962:258, fig 2a-c.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species [fide Hylleberg and
Nateewathana (1991b:1)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- SAM Holotype A6520
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Below San Jose Mission Station, Morrumbene, South
Sepia chrysophtalmos
Tilesius, 1813:pl 38 figs 32-33.
[see also Tryon (1879:164, pl 69 fig 256)]
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. --?Idiosepius paradoxus
(Ortmann, 1888) [fide Berry (1932:52)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Unresolved
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Japan (on Fucus) [fide D’Orbigny (1845:373)]
Idiosepius pygmaeus
hebereri Grimpe, 1931:165, figs 10-14.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Idiosepius pygmaeus
Steenstrup, 1881 [fide Nesis (1987:140)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- ZMB Lectotype Moll.-86118a [fide Glaubrecht and
Salcedo-Vargas (2000:278)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- South coast of Lombok, Indonesia
Idiosepius macrocheir
Voss, 1962:259, fig 2d-e.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species [fide Nesis (1987:140)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- SAM Holotype A6521
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Linga Linga, Morrumbene, South Africa
Cranchia minima
D'Orbigny, 1835
In Ferussac and D'Orbigny, 1834-1848:319, Cranchie, pl 1 figs 4-5
[fide Tillier and Boucher-Rodoni (1994:101); taxon dated from plate]
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species?; Idiosepius
minimus [fide Berry (1932:49)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MNHN Type; specimen not extant [fide Lu et al.
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Coast of Africa
Idiosepius notoides
Berry, 1921:361, fig 67.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species [fide Norman and Reid
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- SAMA Holotype D17495 [fide Sweeney et al. (1988:15)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Goolwa, South Australia
Microteuthis paradoxa
Ortmann, 1888:649, pl 22 fig 4.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Idiosepius
paradoxus [fide Berry (1932:46)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MZUS Syntypes [fide Johnson (1977:238)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Kadsiyama, Japan
Loligopsis peronii
Lamarck, 1822 In 1815-1822:660.
sp. [fide Berry (1932:51)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MNHN Type; specimen not extant [fide Lu et al.
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Austral Seas
Loligo picteti
Joubin, 1894:60, pls 3-4.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Idiosepius
picteti [fide Berry (1932:47)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Unresolved; MOM? Syntypes (2) [syntypes not traced
by Belloc (1950)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Amboina [Indonesia]
Idiosepius pygmaeus
Steenstrup, 1881:219, pl 1 figs 11-22.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species [fide Hylleberg and
Nateewathana (1991a:35)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- ZMUC Syntypes (5) [fide Kristensen and Knudsen
TYPE LOCALITY. -- 4∞20'N, 107∞20'E (South China Sea) and
Zamboanga, Philippine Islands
Idiosepius thailandicus
Chotiyaputta et al., 1991:167, figs 1-4, 6-9.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species [fide; taxon not yet
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Ban Don Bay, Gulf of Thailand
Loligopsis tilesii
Ferussac, 1835
In Ferussac and D'Orbigny, 1834-1848:Calmaret pl 1 figs 2-4.
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. --?Idiosepius paradoxus
(Ortmann, 1888) [fide Berry (1932:52)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MNHN Type; specimen not extant [fide Lu et al.
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Not designated
Type Repositories
MFDT-Marine Fisheries Division, Department of Fisheries, 89/1 Charoen Krung
58, Bangkok 10120, Thailand.
MNHN-Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Laboratoire Biologie
Invertebres Marins et Malacologie, 55, rue de Buffon, 75005 Paris 05,
France.† [For type catalog see Lu et al. (1995)]
MOM- MusÈe OcÈanographique, Avenue Saint-Martin,
Monaco-Ville, MC 98000, Monaco.† [For type catalog see Belloc
MZUS-MusÈe Zoologique, Universite Louis Pasteur & de la
Ville de Strasbourg, 29 Boulevard de la Victoire, F67000 Strasbourg,
France.† [See Johnson (1977) for Ortmann types]
SAM- South African Museum, Government Avenue, P.O. Box 61, Cape Town
8000, South Africa.
SAMA-South Australian Museum, North Terrace, Adelaide, South Australia
5022, Australia.† [For type catalogs see Zeidler and MacPhail
(1978); Zeidler (1983); Sweeney, Roper and Hochberg (1988)]
ZMB- Zoologisches Museum, Museum f¸r Naturkunde der
Humboldt-Universitat, Invalidenstrasse 43, D-1040 Berlin,
Germany.† [For type catalog see Glaubrecht and Salcedo-Vargas
ZMUC-Kobenhavns Universitet, Zoologisk Museum, Universitetsparken 15, DK 2100
Copenhagen, Denmark.† [For type catalog see Kristensen and Knudsen (1983);
See also Volsoe et al. (1962) for Steenstrup papers]
Appellof, A. 1898. Cephalopoden von ternate. 2. Undersuch ungen über Idiosepius, Sepiadarium und verwandte formen, ein beitrag zur beleuchtung der hektokotylisation und ihrer systematischen bedeutung. Abhandlungen der Senckenbergischen naturforschenden Gesellschaft, 24(4):570-637, 3 plates.
Belloc, G. 1950. Catalogue des types de Céphalopodes du Musée Océanographique de Monaco. Bulletin de l'Institut Océanographique, 970:1-10.
Berry, S.S. 1921. A review of the cephalopod genera Sepioloidea, Sepiadarium, and Idiosepius. Records of the South Australian Museum, 1(4):347-364, 4 figures.
Berry, S.S. 1932. Cephalopods of the genera Sepioloidea, Sepiadarium and Idiosepius. The Philippine Journal of Science, 47(1):39-55, 1 plate.
Chotiyaputta, C., T. Okutani, and S. Chaitiamvong. 1991. A new pygmy cuttlefish from the Gulf of Thailand, Idiosepius thailandicus n. sp. (Cephalopoda: Idiosepiidae). Venus, 50(3):165-174, 13 figures.
D'Orbigny, A. 1845-1847. Mollusques vivants et fossiles ou description de toutes les espèces de Coquilles et de Mollusques. 605 pages, atlas of 36 plates. Paris.
Ferussac, A.E. de, and A. D'Orbigny. 1834-1848. Histoire Naturelle Générale et Particuliere Céphalopodes Acétabulifères Vivants et Fossiles. 96 pages + lvi pages + 361 pages, Atlas with 144 plates. Paris. [See Winkworth (1942) for dates of publication]
Fischer, P. 1880-1887. Manuel de conchyliologie et de palentologie conchyliologique ou histoire naturelle des mollusques vivante et fossiles. 1369 pages, 23 plates. London.
Glaubrecht, M. and M.A. Salcedo-Vargas. 2000. Annotated type catalogue of the Cephalopoda (Mollusca) in the Museum fur Naturkunde, Humboldt University of Berlin. Mitteilungen aus dem Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, Zoologischen, 76(2):269-282.
Grimpe, G. 1920. Teuthologische Mitteilungen. IV. Naefidium n.g. pro: Loligo picteti Joubin 1894. Zoologische Anzeiger, 51(8):208-214, 2 figures.
Grimpe, G. 1931. Teuthologische Mitteilungen. XIII. Uber die Cephalopoden der Sunda-Expedition Rensch. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 95(5/8):149-174, 14 figures.
Hoyle, W.E. 1910. A list of the generic names of Dibranchiate Cephalopoda with their type species. Abhandlungen der Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft, 32:407-413.
Hylleberg, J. and A. Nateewathana. 1991a. Redescription of Idiosepius pygmaeus Steenstrup, 1881 (Cephalopoda: Idiosepiidae), with mention of additional morphological characters. Phuket Marine Biological Center Research Bulletin, 55:32-42, 50 figures.
Hylleberg, J. and A. Nateewathana. 1991b. Morphology, internal anatomy, and biometrics of the cephalopod Idiosepius biserialis Voss, 1962. A new record for the Andaman Sea. Phuket Marine Biological Center Research Bulletin, 56:1-9, 30 figures.
Johnson, R.I. 1977. Arnold Edward Ortmann, a bibliography of his work on mollusks, with a catalogue of his Recent molluscan taxa. Occasional Papers on Mollusks, 4(58):229-244.
Joubin, L. 1894a. Céphalopodes d'Amboine. Revue Suisse de Zoologie et Annales du Musée d'Historie Naturelle le Geneva, 2:23-64, 4 plates.
Kristensen, T.K. and J. Knudsen. 1983. A catalogue of the type specimens of Cephalopoda (Mollusca) in the Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen. Steenstrupia, 9(10):217-227.
Lamarck, J.B. 1815-1822. Histoire naturelle des Animaux sans vertebres, presentant les caracteres généreux et particuliers des ces animaux, leur distribution, leurs classes, leurs familles, leurs genres, et la citation des principales espèces qui s'y raportent. 7 volumes [volume 7, 1822]. Paris.
Lu, C.C., R. Boucher-Rodoni and A. Tillier. 1995. Catalogue of types of Recent Cephalopoda in the Museum national d'Histoire Naturelle (France). Bulletin du Museum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris, (series 4)17(3-4):307-343.
Nesis, K.N. 1982. Abridged key to the cephalopod Molluscs of the world's oceans. Moscow: Light and Food Industry Publishing House, 385 pages. (In Russian; see Nesis, 1987 for abridged English translation)
Nesis, K.N. 1987. Cephalopods of the World; Squids, cuttlefishes, Octopuses, and Allies. T.F.H. Publications, Neptune City, NJ, USA, 351 pages.
Norman, M.D. and A. Reid. 2000. A guide to squid, cuttlefish and octopuses of Australasia. CSIRO Publishing, Victoria, 96 pages.
Ortmann, A. 1888. Japanische Cephalopoden. Zoologische Jahrbucher,(Systematik), 3:639-670, 6 plates.
Sasaki, M. 1929. A monograph of the dibranchiate cephalopods of the Japanese and adjacent waters. Journal of the College of Agriculture, Hokkaido Imperial University, 20(supplement):1-357, 159 figures, 30 plates.
Steenstrup, J. 1881. Sepiadarium og Idiosepius to nye Slaegter af Sepiernes Familie. Med Bemaerkninger om de to beslaegtede Former Sepiolidea D'Orb. og Spirula Lmk. Danske Videnskabernes Selskabs Skrifter, 6 Raekke, Naturvidenskabelig og Mathematisk, 1(3):211-242, 1 plate.
Sweeney, M.J., C.F.E. Roper, and F.G. Hochberg. 1988. Catalog of the type specimens of Recent Cephalopoda described by S. Stillman Berry. Malacologia, 29(1):7-19.
Tilesius [von Tilenau], W.G. 1813. Naturhistorische fruchte der ersten Kaiserlich - Russischen, unter dem kommando des Herrn v. Krusenstern glucklich vollbrachten erdumseeglunggesammelt. 130 pages, 5 plates, St. Petersburg.
Tryon, G.W. 1879. Manual of Conchology; Structural and Systematic, with Illustrations of the Species. Volume 1, Cephalopoda, 316 pages, 112 plates. Philadelphia.
Volsoe, A., J. Knudsen and W. Rees. 1962. The cephalopod papers of Japetus Steenstrup; a translation into English. Danish Science Press, Copenhagen, 330 pages.
Voss, G.L. 1962. South African Cephalopods. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa, 36(4):245-272, 3 figures, 1 plate.
Winkworth, R. 1942. Notes on the publication of Ferussac and Orbigny’s Histoire des Céphalopodes. Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London, 25(1):34-36.
Zeidler, W. 1983. The cephalopod collection in the South Australian Museum. Memoirs of the National Museum of Victoira, 44:77-79.
Zeidler, W. and M.K. MacPhail. 1978. Mollusc type-specimens in the South Australian Museum, I: Cephalopoda and Scaphopoda. Records of the South Australian Museum, 17(26):381-385.
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