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Jumping spiders of America North of Mexico

Jumping spiders of America North of Mexico Home Previous genus: Sassacus
Genus List Next genus: Tutelina

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One of the few groups of ground-dwelling dendryphantines, the members of this group are the western counterparts of Ghelna. They tend to be found under rocks on barren ground (except T. californicus, on seaside rocks and beaches) and are generally uniform or mottled gray or brown. In most species the male embolus is robust and long.

For more information and links to the species, go to Terralonus in the Tree of Life.

References most relevant to species north of Mexico: Maddison (1996).


Mottled or uniform gray or brown.

Compare to:


Usually on or under rocks above treeline (T. mylothrus), by the seashore (T. californicus), or on the deserts (T. unicus, T. shaferi). Often found in retreats during the middle of the day, possibly due to the apparent low heat tolerance of dendryphantines.

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