Neurosigma siva
the Panther
Andrew V. Z. BrowerIntroduction
A monotypic genus ranging from Sikkim to northern Thailand. The butterfly has a complex wing pattern of bold black and white spots.Nomenclature
It would seem that the specific epithet doubledaii ought to have priority over siva. However, Acontia doubledaii Westwood 1848 became a junior homonym of Adolias doubledaii Gray [1846] when Westwood moved the former into Adolias in 1850. (Adolias is now a subjective junior synonym of Euthalia). Under ICZN Article 59.3, a name in the species category rendered invalid by homonymy prior to 1961 does not regain its validity if it is subsequently moved to a different genus in which it is no longer a junior homonym. Thus, Neurosigma siva (Westwood, 1850) is the correct name for this taxon (Hemming, 1967). It is a much more attractive name for this striking butterfly, anyway.Other Names for Neurosigma siva
- Neurosigma
- Neurosigma doubledaii
- Acontia
- Vernacular Names: the Panther
Hemming F. 1967. The generic names of the butterflies and their type-species (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera). Bull. BM(NH) Ent. Supp. 9: 1-509.
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Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, Tennessee, USA
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. Neurosigma siva . the Panther.Andrew V. Z. Brower.
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- First online 13 November 2006
- Content changed 07 June 2009
Citing this page:
Brower, Andrew V. Z. 2009. Neurosigma in The Tree of Life Web Project,
. Neurosigma siva . the Panther. Version 07 June 2009 (under construction).