Andrew V. Z. Brower- Euriphene goniogramma group
- Euriphene goniogramma
- Euriphene mundula
- Euriphene obtusangula
- Euriphene duseni adumbrata
- Euriphene duseni duseni
- Euriphene duseni canui
- Euriphene duseni romi
- Euriphene barombina group
- Euriphene barombina subgroup
- Euriphene barombina
- Euriphene grosesmithi
- Euriphene incerta
- Euriphene milnei
- Euriphene pavo
- Euriphene plagiata
- Euriphene schultzei
- Euriphene tadema
- Euriphene veronica
- Euriphene bernaudi
- Euriphene regula
- Euriphene simplex
- Euriphene abasa
- Euriphene kiki
- Euriphene larseni
- Euriphene amicia
- Euriphene niepelti subgroup
- Euriphene aridatha
- Euriphene atrovirens
- Euriphene coerulea
- Euriphene glaucopis
- Euriphene obani
- Euriphene amaranta subgroup
- Euriphene amaranta
- Euriphene anaxibia
- Euriphene atropurpurea
- Euriphene conjugens
- Euriphene ernestibaumanni
- Euriphene karschi
- Euriphene lomaensis
- Euriphene barombina subgroup
- Euriphene gambiae
- Euriphene atossa group
- Euriphene ampedusa
- Euriphene atossa
- Euriphene leonis
- Euriphene alberici
- Euriphene aurivillii
- Euriphene batesana
- Euriphene butleri
- Euriphene camarensis
- Doricleana
- Euriphene doriclea
- Euriphene lysandra
- Euriphene paralysandra
- Euriphene excelsior
- Euriphene intermixta
- Euriphene iris
- Euriphene ituriensis
- Euriphene jacksoni
- Euriphene jolyana
- Euriphene kahli
- Euriphene luteostriata
- Euriphene melanops
- Euriphene douglassi (incertae sedis)
- Euriphene pinkieana
- Euriphene rectangula
- Euriphene ribensis
- Euriphene rotundata
- Euriphene saphirina
A large genus of African forest butterflies. Species groups shown are based on Larsen (2005) and only reflect the west African fauna.
Ackery PR, Smith CR, and Vane-Wright RI eds. 1995. Carcasson's African butterflies. Canberra: CSIRO.
Bernardi, G. 1993. Révision du genre Euriphene Boidsduval (=Diestogyna Karsch) (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae). Bull. Soc. Ent. France 98: 195-198, 227-232.
Larsen, T. B. 2005 Butterflies of West Africa. Stenstrup, Denmark: Apollo Books.
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Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, Tennessee, USA
Correspondence regarding this page should be directed to Andrew V. Z. Brower at
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Authored by
. Andrew V. Z. Brower.
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- First online 06 November 2006
- Content changed 15 May 2011
Citing this page:
Brower, Andrew V. Z. 2011. Euriphene in The Tree of Life Web Project,
. Version 15 May 2011 (under construction).