Gigantolina magna
Klaus RohdeIntroduction
The species has been recorded from the western parts of the Indian Ocean to the Great Barrier Reef. Maximum length is 160 mm, maximum width 15 mm. Its hosts are marine fishes, Plectorhinchus and Diagramma (family Haemulidae). The life cycle has not yet been worked out.

Figure 1. Anterior end of Gigantolina magna. Redrawn from Dubinina (1982).

Figure 2. Anterior end of Gigantolina magna with details of terminal part of uterus and frontal glands. Redrawn from Dubinina (1982).

Figure 3. Posterior end of Gigantolina magna. Note separate vaginal and male pores, deeply lobed ovary consisting of two wings, and large accessory seminal receptacle in addition to seminal receptacle. Redrawn from Dubinina (1982).

Figure 4. Egg with larva of Gigantolina magna. Note lack of egg stalk. Redrawn from Dubinina (1982).
Dubinina, M.N. (1982). Parasitic worms of the class Amphilinida (Platyhelminthes). "Nauka", Leningrad (in Russian). (Older references therein).
About This Page
Klaus Rohde
University of New England, Armidale, New South Wales, Australia
Correspondence regarding this page should be directed to Klaus Rohde at
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Page: Tree of Life
Gigantolina magna.
Authored by
Klaus Rohde.
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- First online 06 December 2000
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Rohde, Klaus. 2000. Gigantolina magna. Version 06 December 2000. in The Tree of Life Web Project,