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Enoploteuthis galaxias Berry 1918

Kotaro Tsuchiya
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Containing group: Enoploteuthis


Enoploteuthis galaxias is associated with the temperate shelf waters of northern New Zealand and South Australia. This species resembles to North Pacific species E. chuni both in morphology and ecology.


  1. Tentacle
    1. Tentacle long, with distinct club.
    2. Carpal cluster oval.
    3. Two rows of different-sized hooks on manus.
    4. Four rows of suckers on dactylus.
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      Click on an image to view larger version & data in a new window

      Figure. Oral view of the tentacular club of E. galaxias. Drawing from Riddell (1985).

  2. Hectocotylus
    1. Hectocotylus with two different-sized offset flaps.
    2. Modified portion with armature.
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      Click on an image to view larger version & data in a new window

      Figure. Oral view of the hectocotylus of E. galaxias. Drawing from Riddell (1985).

  3. Integumental Photophores
    1. Ventral mantle anteriorly with six longitudinal stripes of integumental organs, which are interconnected with addiotional organs to form fenestrae; stripes become diffused posteriorly; fenestrate arrangement obscured with growth due to increasing numbers of organs.
    2. Ventral head with three wide longitudinal stripes of integumental organs.
    3. Ventral side of arm III with a series of organs along almost entire length.
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      Figure. Side view of the head of E. galaxias, showing photophore arrangement. Drawing from Riddell (1985).


Taxonomic status with the south temperate Pacific species, E. semilineata Alexeyev, 1994 is uncertain. It is known from E. chuni that the photophore arrangement changes with growth due increasing of numbers of organs causing stripes to diffuse posteriorly.


Vertical distribution

This species seems to be a mesopelagic boundary species (Young, 1995).

Geographical distribution

This species was known only from the shelf waters of South Australia and northern coast of New Zealand (Riddell, 1985).


Riddell, D.J. 1985. The Enoploteuthidae (Cephalopoda: Oegopsida) of the New Zealand region. Fisheries Reserch Bulletin (NZ), 27:1-52.

Young, R.E. 1995. Aspects of the natural history of pelagic cephalopods of the Hawaiian mesopelagic-boundary region. Pacific Science, 49:143-155.

Title Illustrations
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Click on an image to view larger version & data in a new window
Scientific Name Enoploteuthis galaxias
Location northern coast of New Zealand
Reference Riddell, D.J. 1985. The Enoploteuthidae (Cephalopoda: Oegopsida) of the New Zealand region. Fisheries Reserch Bulletin (NZ) 27:1-52.
Sex Male
Size 59.3 mm
Copyright © D. J. Riddell
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Tokyo University of Fisheries, Tokyo, Japan

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Tsuchiya, Kotaro. 2009. Enoploteuthis galaxias Berry 1918. Version 23 July 2009 (under construction). http://tolweb.org/Enoploteuthis_galaxias/19707/2009.07.23 in The Tree of Life Web Project, http://tolweb.org/

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