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Art and Culture

The Sea Star Song


Sung to the tune of 'Build me up Buttercup' by the Foundations

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Linckia laevigata (Valvatida)

Linckia laevigata (Valvatida). © 2003 Massimo Boyer

Why do you pick me up (pick me up) out of the sea

when its not good for me (good for me) and pull me apart,

but if you knew (if you knew) my limbs grow back slowly

when you rip them off (rip them off) I'm a self-amputee

It's ok! (It's ok!) I've got 5 equal segments,

each one with its own set of organs.

Don't pick me up (pick me up) 'cause i sure like being a sea star.

"I release my eggs" into the depths of the sea

so that we, fertilize externally

(Hey Hey Hey!) Babies Babies, they'll float around

(Hey Hey Hey!) Babies Babies, they will grow quickly

Before you know,  carnivorous they'll be and colourful too

ooo-ooo ooo ooo-ooo ooo

So why do you pick me up (pick me up) out of the sea,

when it's not good for me (good for me) I can't see or hear.

I sense by tube feet (by tube feet) which move me around

although quite slowly (quite slowly) as I'm not a real fish

I lack fins! (I lack fins!) and I am an invertebrate

I have traits similar to a sand dollar

So dont pick me up (pick me up) 'cause I sure love being a sea star! 

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About This Page

We dedicate this treehouse to our teacher Ms. Rowlandson for getting us involved.

Author: seastarannemarie1
Classroom Project: seastart
Havergal College
Toronto, Ontario Canada

License: Tree of Life & Partners uses only - Version 1.0

Correspondence regarding this page should be directed to , Havergal College

 Treehouses are authored by students, teachers, science enthusiasts, or professional scientists. Anyone can sign up as a treehouse contributor and share their knowledge and enthusiasm about organisms. Treehouse contributions are checked for general accuracy and quality by teachers and ToL editors, but they are not usually reviewed by expert scientists. If you spot an error, please get in touch with the author or the teacher. For more information about quality control of Tree of Life content, see Status of Tree of Life Pages.

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