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Teacher Resource

Life As A Lizard Lizzie Award


You are assigned to create a Lizzie Award for
( insert student's name) _____________________ for playing the role of
_________________________(insert lizard's name).

  1. Choose a lizard behavior that matches the type of lizard you will give the award to and create your Lizzie Award.
  2. Draw a picture of the lizard performing that behavior.

You can use the format below for your Lizzie Award or you can create one on a separate page.

Lizzie Award


__________________________ wins a LIZZIE! for a fantastic performance of ...


















Learning Information

About This Page
Collection: Arizona Partners in Reptile and Amphibian Conservation, AZ PARC http://www.reptilesofaz.com/ Primary Author: Craig Ivanyi, Herpetology Curator of the Sonoran Desert Museum and AZ PARC Education Working Group Coordinator. Additional Authors and AZ PARC Education Working Group Members: Cori Dolan, Lisa Schwartz, Kat Wilson, Cristina Jones, Dave Prival, Dennis Caldwell and Taylor Edwards. Special thanks to the teachers who piloted the lessons and gave invaluable feedback: Kristen Trejos, Angela Bonine and Karen Bradley.

Correspondence regarding this page should be directed to Lisa Schwartz at

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 Treehouses are authored by students, teachers, science enthusiasts, or professional scientists. Anyone can sign up as a treehouse contributor and share their knowledge and enthusiasm about organisms. Treehouse contributions are checked for general accuracy and quality by teachers and ToL editors, but they are not usually reviewed by expert scientists. If you spot an error, please get in touch with the author or the teacher. For more information about quality control of Tree of Life content, see Status of Tree of Life Pages.

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