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Taxa Associated with the Family Vitreledonellinae Robson, 1932

Michael J. Sweeney and Richard E. Young

(data as of June 2002)

Nominal Genus-Level Taxa


Vitreledonella Joubin, 1918:1.

CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid genus [fide Robson (1932a:321)]
TYPE SPECIES. -- Vitreledonella richardi Joubin, 1918 by monotypy

Nominal Species-Level Taxa (As Introduced Binomial)

Vitreledonella alberti Joubin, 1924:38, pl 2 figs 1-2.

CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species [fide Robson (1932a:322)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MOM Syntypes [stations 3128 and 3131] [fide Belloc (1950:3)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Northwest of Madiera, 33°40'N-33°52'N, 19°W-19°16'W and between Madiera and Azores, 35°09'N, 21°21'W

Vitreledonella ingeborgae Joubin, 1929:16, text-figs 18, 40-42.

CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Vitreledonella richardi Joubin, 1918 [fide Kristensen and Knudsen (1983:222)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- ZMUC Holotype [fide Kristensen and Knudsen (1983:222)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- 36°36'N, 26°14'W (Atlantic Ocean)

Vitreledonella richardi Joubin, 1918:1, figs 1-29.

CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species [fide Norman (2000:188)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MOM Holotype [station 3223] [fide Belloc (1950:3)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- 30°50'N, 25°43'W (Atlantic Ocean)

Vitreledonella translucida Robson, 1930:380, figs 7-10.

CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Vitreledonella richardi Joubin, 1918 [fide Thore (1949:57)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- BMNH Holotype 1951.4.26.3 [fide Lipinski et al. (2000:113)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- 09°38'S, 12°43'E, West coast of Africa [fide Lipinski et al. (2000:113)]

Type Repositories

BMNH-The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD, England (formerly British Museum (Natural History)). [For type catalog see Lipinski et al. (2000)]


MOM- Musée Océanographique, Avenue Saint-Martin, Monaco-Ville, MC 98000, Monaco. [For type catalog see Belloc (1950)]

ZMUC-Kobenhavns Universitet, Zoologisk Museum, Universitetsparken 15, DK 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark. [For type catalog see Kristensen and Knudsen (1983); See also Volsoe et al. (1962) for Steenstrup papers]


Belloc, G. 1950. Catalogue des types de CÈphalopodes du MusÈe OcÈanographique de Monaco. Bulletin de l'Institut Oceanographique, 970:1-10.

Joubin, L. 1918. ?studes preliminaires sur les CÈphalopodes recueillis au cours des croisiËres de S.A.S. Le Prince de Monaco. 6e Note: Vitreledonella richardi Joubin. Bulletin de l'Institut OcÈanographique, 340:1-40, 29 figures.

Joubin, L. 1924. Contributin a l'?stude des CÈphalopodes de l'Atlantique nord. Resultats des Campagnes scientifiques accomlies sur son yacht par Albert I Prince souverain de Monaco, 67:1-113, 14 plates.

Joubin, L. 1929. Notes prÈliminaires dur les CÈphalopodes des croisiËres du DANA (1921-1922). Octopodes - 2e Partie. Annales de l'Institut OcÈanographique, (new series)7(1):1-24, 21 figures.

Kristensen, T.K. and J. Knudsen. 1983. A catalogue of the type specimens of Cephalopoda (Mollusca) in the Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen. Steenstrupia, 9(10):217-227.

Lipinski, M.R., F.A. Naggs, and M.A. Roeleveld. 2000. Catalogue of types of Recent cephalopods in the collection of the Natural History Museum, London. Annales Zoologici (Warszawa), 50(1):101-120.

Norman, M.D. 2000. Cephalopods, a world guide. ConchBooks, Hackenheim, Germany, 320 pages.

Robson, G.C. 1930. Cephalopoda, I. Octopoda. Discovery Report, 2:371-401, 18 figures, 2 plates.

Robson, G.C. 1932a. A Monograph of the Recent Cephalopoda. Part II. The Octopoda. 359 pages, 79 figures, 6 plates. London: British Museum.

Robson, G.C. 1932b. Report on the Cephalopoda in the Raffles Museum. Bulletin Raffles Museum, 7:21-33.

Thore, S. 1949. Investigations on the "Dana" Octopoda. I. Bolitaenidae, Amphitrelidae, Vitreledonellidae, and Allopsidae. Dana Report, 33:1-85, 69 figures.

Volsoe, A., J. Knudsen and W. Rees. 1962. The cephalopod papers of Japetus Steenstrup; a translation into English. Danish Science Press, Copenhagen, 330 pages.

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