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Opisthoteuthis robsoni: Measurements and Counts

Steve O'Shea, Richard E. Young, and Michael Vecchione
Sex Male Paratype Male Paratype Male Holotype Male Paratype
Total length 356 362 211 167
Mantle length 65 62 58 31
Mantle width 85 101 75 55
Fin length 57 52 30 16
Fin width 39 25 18 12
Arm I, length (right/left) 295/301 282/286 175/162 126/146
Arm II, length 250*/269* 290/290 171/115* 97*/143
Arm III, length 255/260 254*/287 171/146* 140/112*
Arm IV, length 245/257* 271/265 157/164 137/93*
Web depth, sector A 185 160 115 66
Web depth, sector B 165/171 171/165 97/104 55/71
Web depth, sector C 125/135 179/154 104/86 48/49
Web depth, sector D 130/120 160/156 105/80 49/34*
Web depth, sector E 125 139 84 47
Arm I, sucker counts 74/75 69*/79 63*/70* 60*/66*
Arm II, sucker counts 68*/81 84/80 71/* *57*
Arm III, sucker counts 86/87 62*/89 73/* 56*/*
Arm IV, sucker counts 88/75* 87/88 67*/59* 56*/*
Maximum cirrus length 3.0-3.5 3.0-5.0 2.0 2.0-2.2
Arm I, max. sucker diam. 8.9/8.9 9.3/9.5 5.4/5.5 3.7/3.8
Arm II, max. sucker diam. 8.9/8.9 9.3/8.9 5.5/5.5 3.9/3.8
Arm III, max. sucker diam. 9.0/8.9 8.9/9.5 5.5/5.5 3.8/3.9
Arm IV, max. sucker diam. 8.3/8.3 9.4/9.6 5.1/5.5 3.8/3.8
Gill lamellae (total) 8 8 6 7
* - Damaged


These measurements and counts are from O'Shea, 1999.


O'Shea, Steve. 1999. The Marine Fauna of New Zealand: Octopoda (Mollusca: Cephalopoda). NIWA Biodiversity Memoir 112: 280pp.

About This Page

Steve O'Shea
Oceanic Sciences Research Institute, Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand

University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI, USA

National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D. C. , USA

All Rights Reserved.

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Opisthoteuthis robsoni

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