Oh my goodness! Unless you are a Tree of Life developer, you really shouldn't be here. This page is part of our beta test site, where we develop new features for the ToL, often messing up a thing or two in the process. Please visit the official version of this page, which is available here.

Anthozoan Relationships Forum

We are currently in the process of initiating the Anthozoan Relationships Forum. In this space, we will provide a platform for the discussion of conflicting views about the phylogenetic relationships of anthozoan subgroups.

This is a moderated forum, in the sense that only contributions deemed fit for publication will be included. In general, participation in the Forum is by invitation from a Tree of Life editor, author, or coordinator. If you would like to be considered as a participant in this Forum, please send a brief description of your anticipated contribution along with a list of your relevant publications or a description of your current research program to . Choice of contributors for these discussions is based in part on scholarly expertise as demonstrated by a person's ongoing research program or publication record.

Tree of Life Relationships Forums are created for select groups of organisms that are the subject of current phylogenetic debates. A general description of the rationale for these Forums is provided on the Tree of Life Relationships Forums page.

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ToL notes provide brief accounts of characteristics, short summaries, commentaries, media files, taxonomic information, or identification tools for a given group of organisms.

For a more detailed explanation of the different ToL page types, have a look at the Structure of the Tree of Life page.

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