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Protanyderus yankovskyi holotype
Containing group: Ptychopteromorpha


Alexander, C. P. 1981. Tanyderidae. Manual Nearct. Dipt. 1:149-151.

Ansorge, J. and W. Krzeminski. 2002. Lower Jurassic Tanyderids (Diptera: Tanyderidae) from Germany. Studia Dipt. 9:21-29.

Krzeminski, W. and D. D. Judd. 1997. Family Tanyderidae. In: Contibutions to a Manual of Palaearctic Diptera, Vol.2, p.281-289. L. Papp and B. Darvas, eds. Science Herald, Budapest.

Krzeminski, W. and Ren, D. 2001. Praemacrochile chinensis sp. n. from the Middle Jurassic of Chile (Diptera: Tanyderidae). Pol. Pismo Ent. 70:127-129.

Oosterbroek, P. 1998. 2. Tanyderidae. In P. Oosterbroek: The families of Diptera of the Malay Archipelago. Brill: Boston. p. 63.

Poinar, G., Jr. and A. E. Brown. 2004. A new genus of primitive crane flies (Diptera: Tanyderidae) in Cretaceous burmese amber, with a summary of fossil Tanyderidae. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash. 106:339-345.

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Title Illustrations
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Click on an image to view larger version & data in a new window
Protanyderus yankovskyi holotype
Scientific Name Protanyderus yankovskyi
Location Chonsani Paiktusan, North Korea, 4300'
Creator Darlene Judd
Acknowledgements Image courtesy Tanyderidae Photographic Database
Specimen Condition Dead Specimen
Sex Male
Type Holotype
Collector Yankovsky
Copyright © 2004 Darlene Judd
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Tree of Life Web Project. 2007. Tanyderidae. Version 29 November 2007 (temporary). http://tolweb.org/Tanyderidae/23975/2007.11.29 in The Tree of Life Web Project, http://tolweb.org/

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