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Nipponocyphon nakanei Lawrence et Yoshitomi, 2007

Nipponocyphon Lawrence et Yoshitomi, 2007

Rafal Ruta
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Containing group: Scirtidae


The subfamily was erected to accomodate a single genus with the single species described recently from Japan. The biology is unknown. Several specimens were collected in flight interception traps. Larvae unknown.


Body dark brown, length from 4.3 to 4.6 mm, depressed, covered with short, erect hairs. Prosternum well developed, what differs Nipponocyphon from other scirtids. Elytra with rows of punctures. Mandibles shortly triangular, apex unidentate, with well developed mola. Maxillary lacinia with distinct apical hook (uncus). Apical palpomere of maxillary palpi widened, securiform.

Discussion of Phylogenetic Relationships

Nipponocyphon forms the most basal clade of Scirtidae. It shows several similarities with Declinia, and relationships between both taxa need further studies. It seems that finding larvae of these problematic taxa may be of great importance for resolving their phylogenetic relationships and taxonomic status.

Other Names for Nipponocyphon nakanei Lawrence et Yoshitomi, 2007


Lawrence J.F., Yoshitomi H. 2007. Nipponocyphon, a new Genus of Japanese Scirtidae (Coleoptera) and its Phylogenetic Significance. Elytra 35: 507-527.

Title Illustrations
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Click on an image to view larger version & data in a new window
Scientific Name Nipponocyphon nakanei Lawrence et Yoshitomi, 2007
Specimen Condition Dead Specimen
Sex Male
Copyright © Rafal Ruta
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Rafal Ruta
Zoological Institute, University of Wroclaw, Poland

Correspondence regarding this page should be directed to Rafal Ruta at

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Citing this page:

Ruta, Rafal. 2011. Nipponocyphoninae. Nipponocyphon nakanei Lawrence et Yoshitomi, 2007. Nipponocyphon Lawrence et Yoshitomi, 2007. Version 15 February 2011 (under construction). http://tolweb.org/Nipponocyphon_nakanei/145876/2011.02.15 in The Tree of Life Web Project, http://tolweb.org/

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