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Sea fleas

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Containing group: Malacostraca

Other Names for Leptostraca


Bowman, T. E., J. Yager, and T. M. Iliffe. 1985. Speonebalia Cannoni, n. gen., n. sp., from the Caicos Islands, the 1st hypogean leptostracan (Nebaliacea, Nebaliidae). Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 98:439-446.

Haney, T. A., R. R. Hessler, and J. W. Martin. 2001. Nebalia schizophthalma, a new species of Leptostracan (Malacostraca) from deep waters off the East Coast of the United States. Journal of Crustacean Biology 21:192-201.

Haney, T. A. and J. W. Martin. 2000. Nebalia gerkenae, a new species of leptostracan (Crustacea : Malacostraca : Phyllocarida) from the Bennett Slough region of Monterey Bay, California. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 113:996-1014.

Hessler, R. R. 1984. Dahlella caldariensis, new genus, new species - a leptostracan (Crustacea, Malacostraca) from deep-sea hydrothermal vents. Journal of Crustacean Biology 4:655-664.

Martin, J. W., E. W. Vetter, and C. E. CashClark. 1996. Description, external morphology, and natural history observations of Nebalia hessleri, new species (Phyllocarida: Leptostraca), from southern California, with a key to the extant families and genera of the Leptostraca. Journal of Crustacean Biology 16:347-372.

Olesen, J. 1999. A new species of Nebalia (Crustacea, Leptostraca) from Unguja Island (Zanzibar), Tanzania, East Africa, with a phylogenetic analysis of leptostracan genera. Journal of Natural History 33:1789-1809.

Olesen, J. and D. Walossek. 2000. Limb ontogeny and trunk segmentation in Nebalia species (Crustacea, Malacostraca, Leptostraca). Zoomorphology 120:47-64.

Rolfe, W. D. I. 1981. Phyllocarida and the origin of the Malacostraca. Geobios 14:17-27.

Vannier, J., P. Boissy, and P. R. Racheboeuf. 1997. Locomotion in Nebalia bipes: A possible model for Palaeozoic phyllocarid crustaceans. Lethaia 30:89-104.

Walker-Smith, G. K. and G. C. B. Poore. 2001. A phylogeny of the Leptostraca (Crustacea) with keys to families and genera. Memoirs of the Museum of Victoria 58:383-410.

Information on the Internet

Leptostraca NSF PEET project. Todd Haney
Title Illustrations
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Nebalia bipes.
Drawing from R. La Follette. 1914. A Nebalia from Laguna Beach. Journal of Entomology and Zoology 6:204-208.

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Tree of Life Web Project. 2002. Phyllocarida. Leptostraca. Sea fleas. Version 01 January 2002 (temporary). http://tolweb.org/Leptostraca/6296/2002.01.01 in The Tree of Life Web Project, http://tolweb.org/

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