Engaeus curvisuturus
Keith A. CrandallTypes
Holotype, Museum of Victoria, Melbourne J14695 (male); allotype, Museum of Victoria, Melbourne J14696 (female); paratypes, Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, Hobart G3197 (male), G3198 (female), Museum of Victoria, Melbourne J14697 (2 male).Type Locality
Yarra River plains and slightly up the hill-slope, near bridge over Yarra River at Warburton, in partially cleared paddock in wet sclerophyll forest.Distribution
The distribution of this species is poorly known; at present its known range extends from the Mt. Baw Baw region in the east to Warburton in the West.Habitat
The type locality for this species consists of burrows in a flood-plain of the Yarra River in a partially cleared paddock in what was formerly wet sclerophyll forest. The burrows of this species could be found predominantly in the flood-plain (in grey clayey and silty soils), while those of E. affinis were mainly found in type 3 burrows on the slight rise to the side of the flood-plain (in soils with yellow clay); however this situation was confused when a small percentage of individuals of E. curvisuturus was found in type 3 burrows. E. affinis was found in type 3 burrows about 5 km from the site at Warburton, near Mt. Donna Buang. The burrows of E. curvisuturus consist of two or three opening which are each capped with conical chimneys and each descending to a depth of approximately 60-70 cm where they converge to a wide, common descending tunnel (which was frequently blocked with silt). In addition the burrow may have one or more blind tunnels which ascend but do not open on the surface.References
Baillie, Jonathan, and Brian Groombridge. 1996. IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals.
Horwitz, Pierre. 1990. A Taxonomic Revision of Species in the Freshwater Crayfish Genus Engaeus Erichson (Decapoda: Parastacidae). Invertebr. Taxon., 1990, 4, 427-614.
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Page constructed by Emily Browne.
Keith A. Crandall
Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, USA
Page copyright © 2001 Keith A. Crandall
Page: Tree of Life
Engaeus curvisuturus
Authored by
. Keith A. Crandall.
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Crandall, Keith A. 2001. Engaeus curvisuturus http://tolweb.org/Engaeus_curvisuturus/7824/2001.01.01 in The Tree of Life Web Project, http://tolweb.org/
. Version 01 January 2001 (under construction).