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Keith Bayless
Containing group: Stratiomyidae


Chiromyzinae is an unusual group of soldier flies as the larvae are predominantly phytophagous, with many species feeding on the roots of grasses (James 1981; Oosterbroek 1998). Two species of Inopus are agricultural pests. Tana paulseni is a pest of wheat, rye grass, and pasture in Chile (Woodley 2001).

Chiromyzinae are native to the Neotropical and Australasian regions (Woodley 2001).


Chiromyzinae are distinguished by their reduced mouthparts; the proboscis is tiny, vestigial, or absent, and the palpi are "button-like" (James 1981).


James, M.T. 1981. 36. Stratiomyidae. Manual Nearct. Dipt. 1: 497-511.

Oosterbroek, P. 1998. 33. Stratiomyidae (Soldier Flies). In P. Oosterbroek: The families of Diptera of the Malay Archipelago. Brill: Boston. pp. 88-89.

Woodley, N. E. 2001. A World Catalog of the Stratiomyidae (Insecta: Diptera). Myia 11: 1-473. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden.

About This Page

Keith Bayless
North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA

Correspondence regarding this page should be directed to Keith Bayless at

All Rights Reserved.

Citing this page:

Bayless, Keith. 2008. Chiromyzinae. Version 28 September 2008 (under construction). http://tolweb.org/Chiromyzinae/23955/2008.09.28 in The Tree of Life Web Project, http://tolweb.org/

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