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Containing group: Blattellidae


Bohn, H. 1990. Revision of the Loboptera species of Spain (Blattaria: Blattellidae). Entomologica Scandinavica 21(4):369-403.

Bohn, H. 1991. Revision of the Loboptera species of Morocco (Blattaria: Blattellidae: Blattellinae). Entomologica Scandinavica 22(3):251-295.

Grandcolas, P. 1996. The phylogeny of cockroach families: A cladistic appraisal of morpho-anatomical data. Canadian Journal of Zoology 74(3):508-527.

McKittrick, F. A. 1964. Evolutionary study of cockroaches. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station Memoirs 389:1-197.

Princis, K. 1965. Blattariae: Subordo Blaberoidea. Fam.: Nothoblattidae. Pages 389-392 in Orthopterorum Catalogus. Pars 7. M. Beier, ed. W. Junk, s'Gravenhage.

Princis, K. 1969. Blattariae: Subordo Epilamproidea. Fam.: Blattellidae. Pages 711-1038 in Orthopterorum Catalogus. Pars 13. M. Beier, ed. W. Junk, s'Gravenhage.

Roth, L. M. 1985. A taxonomic revision of the genus Blattella Caudell (Dictyoptera, Blattaria: Blattellidae). Entomologica Scandinavica Suppl. 22:1-221.

Roth, L. M. 1989. Sliferia, a new ovoviparous cockroach genus (Blattellidae) and the evolution of ovoviviparity in Blattaria (Dictyoptera). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 91(3):441-451.

Roth, L. M. 1989. Miriamrothschildia, a new cockroach genus from the Seychelles Islands (Dictyoptera, Blattaria: Blattellidae). Entomologica Scandinavica 20(1):65-74.

Roth, L. M. 1989. Cockroach genera whose adult males lack styles. Part 1. (Dictyoptera, Blattaria, Blattellidae). Revue Suisse de Zoologie 96(4):747-770.

Roth, L. M. 1990. A revision of the Australian Parcoblattini (Blattaria: Blattellidae: Blattellinae). Memoirs of the Queensland Museum (2):531-596.

Roth, L. M. 1991. The cockroach genera Sigmella Hebard and Scalida Hebard (Dictyoptera: Blattaria: Blattellidae). Entomologica Scandinavica 22(1):1-29.

Roth, L. M. 1991. The cockroach genera Beybienkoa, gen. nov., Escala Shelford, Eowilsonia, gen nov., Hensaussurea Princis, Parasigmoidella Hanitsch, and Robshelfordia Princis (Dictyoptera: Blattaria: Blattellidae). Invertebrate Taxonomy 5:553-716.

Roth, L. M. 1993. Cockroach genera whose adult males lack styles. Part 2. (Dictyoptera, Blattaria, Blattellidae). Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 40(2):279-307.

Roth, L. M. 1995. Pseudoanaplectinia yumotoi, a new ovoviviparous myrmecophilous cockroach genus and species from Sarawak (Blattaria: Blattellidae: Blattellinae). Psyche 102(1-2):79-87.

Roth, L. M. 1995. The cockroach genera Hemithyrsocera Saussure and Symplocodes Hebard (Dictyoptera: Blattellidae: Blattellinae). Invertebrate Taxonomy 9:959-1003.

Roth, L. M. 1996. New species of Tomeisneria Roth, Squamoptera Bruijning, and Dethieridris, gen. nov. (Blattaria: Blattellinae and Pseudophyllodromiinae). Oriental Insects 30:181-192.

Roth, L. M. 1996. New species of Sigmella Hebard (Blattaria: Blattellidae, Blattellinae). Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 139(2):201-213.

Roth, L. M. 1997. The cockroach genera Pseudothyrsocera Shelford, Haplosymploce Hanitsch, and Episymploce Bey-Bienko (Blattaria: Blattellidae, Blattellinae). Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 140(1):67-110.

Roth, L. M. 2001. The genus Ischnoptera Burmeister. I. The darlingtoni-species-group, with seven new species (Blattaria: Blattellidae, Blattellinae). Transactions of the American Entomological Society 127(4):519-541.

Roth, L. M. and C. Rivault. 2002. Cockroaches from some islands in the Indian Ocean: La Reunion, Comoro, and Seychelles (Dictyoptera: Blattaria). Transactions of the American Entomological Society 128(1):43-74.

Slaney, D. P. 2000. New species of cave dwelling cockroaches in the genus Neotemnopteryx Princis (Blattaria: Blattellidae: Blattellinae). Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 46(1):331-336.

Slaney, D. P. 2001. New species of Australian cockroaches in the genus Paratemnopteryx Saussure (Blattaria, Blattellidae, Blattellinae), and a discussion of some behavioural observations with respect to the evolution and ecology of cave life. Journal of Natural History 35(7):1001-1012.

Title Illustrations
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Click on an image to view larger version & data in a new window
Scientific Name Anisopygia jocosicluna
Reference R. Shelford. 1908. Orthoptera. Fam. Blattidae. Subfam. Phyllodromiinae. Genera Insectorum de P. Wytsman 73:1-29
Scientific Name Pseudomops angustus
Reference R. Shelford. 1908. Orthoptera. Fam. Blattidae. Subfam. Phyllodromiinae. Genera Insectorum de P. Wytsman 73:1-29
Scientific Name Pseudothyrsocera pica
Reference R. Shelford. 1908. Orthoptera. Fam. Blattidae. Subfam. Phyllodromiinae. Genera Insectorum de P. Wytsman 73:1-29
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