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Containing group: Firmicutes


Garrity, G. M., J. A. Bell, and T. G. Lilburn. 2004. Taxonomic Outline of the Prokaryotes. Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, Second Edition. Release 5.0.

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Scientific Name Enterococcus
Comments This scanning electron micrograph (SEM) depicted numbers of bacteria, which were identified as being Gram-positive Enterococcus sp. bacteria. Previously identified as "Group D" Streptococcus organisms, the most clinically relevant of these bacteria are, E. faecalis, and E. faecium. Enterococcus spp. bacteria are notoriously linked as etiologic agents responsible for nosocomial, or "hospital-borne" illnesses, such as "Vancomycin Resistant Enterococci", or VRE infections. These organisms are "commensal" in nature, which means that they normally colonize the human digestive tract, and become pathogenic when their host becomes immunosuppressed, such as after a surgical procedure, or during a prolonged illness, or in immunocompromised individuals who might be undergoing chemotherapy, or in the case of AIDS patients.
Creator CDC/Janice Carr
Specimen Condition Dead Specimen
Source Collection Public Health Image Library (Centers for Disease Control)
Scientific Name Staphylococcus aureus
Comments Bacterial cells of the bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus) which is one of the causal agents of mastitis in dairy cows. Its large capsule protects the organism from attack by the cow’s immunological defenses.
Acknowledgements Image courtesy USDA Beltsville Agricultural Research Center (BARC)
Specimen Condition Dead Specimen
Source Bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus)
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Tree of Life Web Project. 2006. Bacilli. Version 10 March 2006 (temporary). http://tolweb.org/Bacilli/59853/2006.03.10 in The Tree of Life Web Project, http://tolweb.org/

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